This will explain the overall project, and detail what will be created for the final piece.


A downtown scene re-created in 1/18th scale, being over-run by a zombie horde.

Overall Dimensions: 2 feet deep, 6 feet wide, and approx. 18 inches tall. 


The scene takes place approximately one week after the initial zombie outbreak.

The scene will detail several storefronts along a downtown street. The main road ends at a "T" intersection, and there is an accident there. Another vehicle has crashed through a storefront. A final vehicle is abandoned further down the road, an emergency vehicle of some sort.

A small group of survivors have ventured downtown to scavenge for supplies. They are travelling on ATVs and on foot, hunting for food, fuel, gear and automotive parts. One survivor is under the hood of a truck while his friends fend off a zombie attack, and a second group is loading supplies onto the ATV's from a ruined storefront.

Here is the initial layout of the town. This is an overhead shot, color coded.

This helped my first impressions of the town, how the action would flow through the scene and where the key elements would be placed. The diagram was the start, the next step was a scale mock-up.

The mock-up was made with basic foam core, and will be used as reference, for scaling, and for testing during the course of the "real" build. It will be interesting to see what it looks like at the end!

The town will be built in 3 sections, each section is 2 feet square.

yeah, that's what you thought it was...

That starts to give a sense of scale! Let's add some abandoned cars.

We're still missing something...

Now we've got a few zombies and some survivor vehicles in there, it's starting to take shape.

Not really a horde, I'll throw some soon-to-be zombies into the mix for effect...

Thaaaat's more like it!

There are 17 zombies in the picture above. The plan is to make 50 zombies and 5 survivors. There will be several "corpses" laying around as well. 

lol, I may end up needing a few more zombies to fill this thing out...!

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